#batman reading list
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erinwantstowrite · 12 days ago
if you want people to get into the canon comics and lead everyone away from fanon misinterpretation (which is a losing battle because there will ALWAYS be this) then why not be helpful instead of being a dick about it 🤨
the comics are hard to get into because it's hard to know where to start, and there's so much content that people are able to fill themselves in by reading fanfic or watching something on tiktok or seeing posts about it on here. perhaps instead of telling people they're stupid for not realizing your favorite character is being mishandled by others, you could write up a list of your favorite comics and/or how, if you could read them for the first time again, you would order your favorite comics to get the best reading experience. and also write your own fanfiction and draw your own fanart or make a passionate post, answer questions politely
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qcomicsy · 2 years ago
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I think it would be so much funnier if the Gotham Civilians could interact more with the heros in comics.
Imagine there's this guy your usual joe that Batman just saved from being one of Poison Ivy's hostage and he still on Batman's arms say's "Have you ever thought about just making this big pesticide?"
And Batman just look at him.
And he goes
"Gee Okay just a thought."
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jlquarterly · 1 year ago
For those who, like me, when they like a character they need to read every single comic the character appears in, I have compiled a list of all of Tim Drake’s appearances from his debut up to the 2011 Flashpoint reboot (not including New 52 continuity).
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If you enjoy my reading guides or find them helpful and would like to support me, you can do so on my Ko-Fi.
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deadsetobsessions · 1 year ago
AU List
Hello! Welcome! This is my attempt at keeping the AU's boiuncing around in my head in order. They should be mostly in chronological order.
Some of them are getting turned into full length fics! The list (and it's open to suggestions) can be found here: Fic List
A couple of things:
Please feel free to write your own fics based on any of these! No need to ask, simply link it so I can also read it <3
If you have any specific scenarios you have an idea for and would like me to write- my asks/prompts are always open! I can't guarantee quality as I do most of my writing at like, 3 AM but I'll try my best!
I don't condone racism, bigotry, homophobia, etc.. I do not welcome it here. I acknowledge that I have biases that I've yet to unlearn. If there's something that makes you feel unwelcome in the things I write, please let me know and I will fix it ASAP.
I write these mostly on little to no sleep (that’s when I get creative I guess?) so good luck.
Update: Apparently you can have too many links on one post (which was news to me) so the links are in the titles lol
Squatter!Danny Phantom Raises Tim
Tim 'self-preservation instinct of a wet paper bag' finds Danny Phantom squatting in his house as an injured vigilante and they immediately adopt each other.
Ghost King and the Justice League
Different scenarios where the Justice League (and extensions) deal with a Ghost King Danny Phantom, who generally just wants to get some sleep and avoid his paperwork like he avoids his problems- actively and indiscriminately.
Alcoholic! Danny Adopts Jason Todd (Fic)
Danny Phantom, a struggling alcoholic, finds his way into Gotham where he adopts a young Jason Todd... after accidentally making a name for himself, again.
Spider in Gotham (Fic)
Peter Parker found himself unceremoniously dumped into Gotham and merged with his younger, formerly dead, alternate self.
Gotham! Danny and His Bats
Different scenarios wherein which Danny Phantom is Gotham's city spirit and the task of wrangling Gotham's vigilante and villainous population is laid at his feet.
Danny in Gotham
Somehow, somewhen, Danny finds himself moving to Gotham. Other than the aesthetics, Danny finds it to be pretty similar to Amity Park's insanity.
Sea Cryptic!Danny Phantom
Danny Phantom cleans beaches in his off time. One day, he has to pick Batman (and his plane that was littered all over the ocean floor) out of the sea.
Danny Gets Yeeted (Yoted?) Into Gotham
Danny Phantom dented the Batmobile and got an adoption, vigilante siblings, and a gang of kids following him for his troubles/
Danielle "Dani/Ellie" Phantom
Danielle Phantom travelled to Gotham. Gotham encounters a wild Danny amidst its tall towers.
Timothy Drake-Centric
When Tim Drake is set on something, very little can stop him, With sub catergories : Reincarnated as Gamer! Timmy Drake (fem Tim)(Fic) and New Tim-line, Who Dis?
Reincarnated as Damian Wayne's Older Sister
Based on a nightmare, an OC finds themself reincarnated as Damian Wayne's older sister. She does not have a good time.
Prompts Found
A collection of prompts found and filled. Includes Triplet Tim and Reverse Trope Prompt.
Misc. ficlets and thoughts
My brain vs. whatever errant thoughts and ideas that decided to pop up when I'm trying to sleep.
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holysupesbatman · 5 months ago
SuperBat Fic Recs
Woaaaah boy. I was in the Superbat tag and saw someone asking for recs and I got about 5 fics in before I realized that wouldn't fit in a reply and decided I should just make a whole post. I feel like I've read half of the Bruce/Clark tag on ao3 at this point and yet I still find more every time I look.
As a note, this post is heavily editorialized. These are all fics I've personally read and are here because I liked them and they come from my ao3 bookmarks. If you want better details about the fic, follow the links and check them out 🤷‍♀️ I'm a picky reader so the fact that it's on the list says a lot, though our tastes may vary.
Onto the recs! I'll organize them by ratings and then by length for simplicity and at the end I'll recommend some of my favorite SuperBat authors for further reading!
Rated: G
Uno Reverse by WixenBurr (~7k rated G) is really cute and fluffy
Summary: The batkids are trying to set Batman and Superman up. Unfortunately Bruce Wayne wants to date some rando news reporter named Clark Kent.
Rated: T
Know You Better by rotasha (~6k rated T)
super fluffy and cute. I adore this fic. Summary: Clark asks Bruce on a date, not knowing he’s a famous billionaire. Bruce says yes, because this is the first time this has ever happened to him.
I'm Not As Think As You Drunk I Am by Mardiaz173 (~13k rated T)
This one is SO much fun – Nobody believes Clark after he meets the supposed "flirty, stupid, entitled drunk" playboy billionaire Brucie Wayne when he says he's actually "clever, mischievous, and sober with an indecipherable ulterior motive."
Saudade by liodain (~20k rated T)
OK THIS ONE MAKES MY HEART MELT IT'S SO FLUFFY AND SWEET I CAN'T. Like put this on your re-read when you're sad and need to feel like love and goodness exist list. Bruce breaks down in Kansas in 2006 years before BvS and meets young Clark.
fallin' for him was like fallin' from grace by Resacon1990 (~23k rated T)
It's just 20k of Clark simping for Bruce. That's it. That's the fic. He's a golden retriever and he's in love, Your Honor. Bruce is not unaffected, but the pining is glorious.
summary: Or, five times Clark finds himself falling for Bruce, and the one time he does something about it
Mr. Romantic by Pandamomochan (~24k rated T)
ft Established Relationship SuperBat. Summary: Clark gets tasked to write a Valentine's Day article. The end result has every single women throwing themselves at him. Clark has always been patient with the drove of Brucie fans. Will Bruce be as mature with Clark's sudden popularity?
How to Date a Superhero by @solomonara (~25k rated T)
Technically a series of fics. Pure fluff. 1. Someone spots the Batman kissing Mild Mannered Reporter Clark Kent. Hijinks ensue. 2. Superman kissed Bruce Wayne in full view of several dozen phones. Now the whole world, including Lex Luthor, knows Superman has a boyfriend. But that's okay. Batman has a plan. 3. Deleted scenes from the How to Date a Superhero series, ruthlessly cut in most cases to prevent the Robins from taking over.
In every sense of the word by froggy-o (bobafiend) (~29k rated T) From the author's summary: Alternatively titled "Why Wonder Woman is on the verge of losing her fucking mind."
I swear this fic is just Diana's eyebrow twitching as she watches Bruce and Clark start dating and she's let in on both their civilian identities meanwhile Superman and Batman are on the watchtower arguing and disagreeing about basically everything on the daily. In the name of Justice, of course. The identity porn is on a whole other level and it was done so well.
Get Over It by rotasha (~32k rated T)
heh this one has plenty of identity hijinks. Sooooo funny. Summary: Bruce needs to get over his inconvenient feelings for Superman and he meets an attractive reporter who he thinks can help him do just that. Little does he know...
the cost of being a good dad by Mawiiish (~96k rated T)
hehehe... the batkids set up a dating profile for Bruce and catfish Clark. It's more of a blind date for Bruce (not that he had any idea he was going on a date at all), but who has Clark been texting for the past several weeks??? Oh yeah. The kids. What follows is as follows. Still with capes!
Rated: M
Guardian Dog by BombusBombus (~22k rated M)
Summary: There's something wrong with Clark Kent. He has to be a villain, right? A threat? He doesn't behave like a normal person, no matter how handsome or clever he may seem.
grasp his heart (once and for all) by liodain (~32k rated M) soulmate AU fic. Pretty emotional LOTS of identity issues going on there like so much. Kinda high on the drama and angst there honestly but it was a cute read. Summary: Bruce Wayne doesn't believe in fate.
tell all the truth (but tell it slant) by susiecarter (~33k rated M)
love me a fake dating AU. Summary: It takes a while for Batman and Superman to work things out, once Clark comes back from the dead. Pretending to date each other in order to explain why Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent are in the same place so often? Doesn't help as much as you might think.
Strangers When We Meet by Trista_zevkia (~63k rated M)
ANOTHER soulmate AU! This time feat. Kryptonian Biology hehehe. Summary: Clark Kent thought he was straight, until Batman kick started something. The question is what did Batman start? Is Brucie Wayne able to explain it to him?
ship-to-ship combat by pomeloquat (~77k rated M)
OK NO LISTEN this is one of my all-time favorite fics EVER. It's so meta and so funny. Clark is us. We are Clark. Clark is writing RPF for the Bruce/Batman ship and he's very convinced it's real EVEN THOUGH he has a huge crush on the Batman... let the hijinks BEGIN.
Rated: E
Embracing Destiny by Mithen (~8k rated E)
This one is just really really cute. Summary: As a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes in the 31st century, a teenaged Clark learns a stunning secret about his own future: he and someone called "Batman" will be legendary lovers.
perfect strangers by susiecarter (~15k rated E)
like. bruh. susie did it again. This tag says it all: communication failure. I love this one though. Summary: Batman and Superman are fucking. Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent are a great cover for fighting crime, and also might be dating. Bruce and Clark have no idea what they're doing; but they definitely aren't going to be able to talk themselves into stopping.
Relinquishing Control by foxyk (~25k rated E)
afsfwsdfhishdfksj no words. Read the authors summary and then just go read the fic:
Superman worries that if he lets go he'll injure his partner. Batman knows better. Batman worries that if he lets someone else in, he'll hurt them. Superman knows better.
Picture Perfect by TheSaltiestDog @the-saltiest-dog (~26k rated E)
this one is cute and then horny on main but also just so fluffy. Clark sees Bruce in a new light through candid shots, then proceeds to take lots of candid shots as they begin a relationship. Cue schmoop, fluff, smut, and – you guessed it! –Miscommunication!
A Night Off and sequel A Day Off by Mawiiish (~37k combined; first part is E, second is T)
One of my all-time favorites. My bookmark says 10/10 would read again soooooooo... 👀🤷‍♀️😅🥵
Bruce is enjoying one of his few nights off when a very persistent young man offers to buy him a drink. At first he's apprehensive; he's just here for a good time and this Clark seems to be looking for more than that. Then again, what harm can one drink do?
Clark wakes up to an empty bed and despite Bruce being honest from the start, he's still disappointed.
The Downsides to a Secret Identity by liodain (~42k rated E)
I'm currently reading this one – the summary from the author says it all, it's so good but sooo drama:
Bruce Wayne has taken a shine to Clark Kent, but Clark is more interested in the Bat of Gotham. The Bat, however, has it in for the Superman in a big way. Clark should probably have considered that before falling quite so hard. They're working together to track down some missing Kryptonian weaponry, after all...
50 Shades of Wayne by susiecarter (~161k rated E)
No but listen, this is actually so full of plot and emotional depth and not as much smut as you might think. It's a full-scale retelling of Batman v Superman but without them knowing each other's secret identities. I read it in one go... the reveal? Maybe the best I've ever read. Soooo many emotions. It's one of the few times I've read BDSM in a fic and it actually felt in character. I wasn't sure I would read it when I started, but it was a compelling read and extremely well done. Honestly, I'd read it again.
SuperBat Author Shoutouts:
susiecarter @susiecarter
liodain @liodain
Resacon1990 @sassyresacon1990
shipyrds @burins
Mawiiish @superbattrash
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umbrellajam · 8 months ago
Saw a post where someone wasn't sure if Tim being good at computers was a fanon thing or not and friend I am happy to inform you that he's been a computer/tech guy from some of his earliest appearances in the comics.
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Detective Comics (Vol. 1) #620 (Rite of Passage part 4) - immersed in the ~web~
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Robin II: The Joker's Wild #3 - tabletop roleplaying games and spending hours in the basement on the computer - not beating the geek allegations on these fronts, Timmy
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Detective Comics (Vol. 1) #676 - Dick was more into traditional detective work and tended to outsource the computer stuff in these days
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Batman (Vol. 1) #514 (Prodigal part 10) - hackin' through all the garbage and garble
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Robin (1993) #33 - Robin sneaking in and connecting Oracle with the baddies' mainframe so she can do her thing and steal all their data >:)
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Nightwing (1996) #6 - "no you're really talented and well suited to be Robin." "no, you." "no, YOU!"
Tim is definitely not as good as Babs/Oracle, but he's certainly her back-up for computer work in the 90's batfam. They're tech buddies and Robin!Tim is her little assistant sometimes, it's super cute:
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Birds of Prey (1999) #19 - happy to play with big sister's fancy high-powered toys
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Legends of the Dark Knight (1989) #125 - real cute kid
And Dick will hand off computer jobs to his little brother when he doesn't want to bother Babs 😂 (that outsourcing I mentioned):
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Nightwing (1996) #68 - examine them pixel by pixel, eh? welp, sounds like a job only you can do, Timbo, you got this buddy, byyyyeeeee
And then when he'd grown up and been doing this for years, he leveled up accordingly, and did stuff like use his access to the League of Assassins computers to overload the generators in every base he could find, etc. etc.
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Red Robin (2009) #8 - yeah that was pretty dumb of you Ra's :)
So yeah, it was a bit of a specialty of Tim's, in large part because he was introduced just at the turn into the 90's, when personal computers were really starting to take off and become widespread. (Robins gotta be cutting edge and all)
Of course, by no means does it follow that the other Bats suck at computers (there is no 'smart one' they are all incredibly smart and capable). This is especially true as reboots and the sliding timescale of comics have moved the DC characters into modern times, where computers run the world and everyone grows up with one in their pocket. The baseline familiarity and expertise that everyone can be expected to have is just much, much higher these days.
It gets exaggerated in fanon as all character traits do, but computer guy Tim is definitely not something just made up out of whole cloth :)b
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casscainmainly · 5 months ago
POC Batfam Members Reading Guides + Starter Comics
The Batfamily has a lot of excellent POC characters, but I know comics can be hard to navigate. This list compiles the main POC Batfam members, their reading guides, and recommended runs to start out with. Not including Dick, but if you want a reading guide for him check out this one from @fantastic-nonsense (it actually covers all the Batfam members, it's a great one-stop resource!). This is not an exhaustive list by any means, so feel free to comment/add on with any additions!
Damian Wayne / Robin
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The biological son of Bruce Wayne and Talia Al Ghul, Damian Wayne's character growth, complex relationships with his family, and general adorableness has endeared him to the hearts of many.
Reading list from @dailydamianwayne
Recommended starter run: Batman and Robin (2009)
Cassandra Cain / Batgirl
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Raised to be an assassin, chose to become a hero. Cassandra Cain's unique abilities, stubborn personality, and amazing character journey make her one of the Batfam's most lovable characters.
Reading list from @dailycass-cain Recommended starter run: Batgirl (2000)
Duke Thomas / Signal
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After his parents succumb to Joker gas and disappear, Duke Thomas throws himself into the world of vigilantism. He is beloved for his dedication to his family, unique connection to Gotham, and headstrong personality.
Reading list from @duketectivecomics
Recommended starter run: We Are Robin
Helena Bertinelli / Huntress
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A child of Gotham's most powerful mafia family, Helena Bertinelli seeks vengeance after an assassin murders them. Her passion for the people she cares about, her Catholic background, and her sometimes volatile personality make her an interesting and unique beloved character.
Note: Helena was originally portrayed as White, but was retconned in Tim Seeley and Tom King's N52 Grayson run to be mixed race and/or Black. She also has an extremely messy publication history, and it's debatable whether N52/Rebirth is even the same character. She is not to be confused with Helena Wayne.
Reading list from @purpleladyofthenight
Recommended starter run: not a comic, but Justice League Unlimited's episodes "Double Date," "Grudge Match," and "Question Authority" are a great introduction. Then Huntress (1989).
Luke Fox / Batwing
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The son of Wayne Enterprises CEO Lucius Fox, Luke Fox inherits the mantle of Batwing from David Zavimbe. Inducted into the Batfam during Rebirth, Luke is known and loved for his genius-level intellect, his complicated relationship with his father, and his unwavering dedication to the cause.
Reading list from @lornahs (includes David Zavimbe)
Recommended starter run: Batwing (Luke shows up in #19 onwards, but the rest is worth it too!)
Maps Mizoguchi / Robin
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A student at Gotham Academy, Mia "Maps" Mizoguchi is the newest Robin on the scene! Energetic, ever-curious, and a huge Batman and Robin fan, she's a fan-favourite for a very good reason.
Reading list from @emilyarmadillo
Recommended starter run: Gotham Academy
Other characters who are Batfam adjacent include Talia Al Ghul, who I would recommend using fantastic-nonsense's reading list again, and Jace Fox, for whom you should read The Next Batman: Second Son.
POC characters are still few and far between in comics, and it's important to support the characters we already have to show DC that there is a demand for diversity. All of these characters have truly interesting stories, personalities, and character arcs, and deserve our love and support!
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daisybell-on-a-carousel · 5 months ago
"Jason was the happy robin" this, "jason was the angry robin" that. Let's all be fully honest here Jason was the lonely robin
#It gets worse the more i think about it aiguaoughhh#they pretty much retconned the people he was close to before the crisis. he only interacts with dick like once or twice#ive never seen him with barbara#he had no team#in terms of school he had rena(?) and then 3 friends that show up in an annual and never again#and obviously with the whole secret identity it hardly can be a close friendship. esp with how little theyre shown#in terms of super friends he had Danny and Kid Devil. which. one is mentioned off hand and theyre never seen together#and the other is from a short story and never brought up again#alfred has his praises sung but we never really see him connect with jay#all he had was BRUCE. and the only way to ever be with bruce is to be robin#is it really any wonder he chased after his mother? is it any wonder who chose to trust someone he hardly knew?#dc liveblog#jason todd#i feel so bad for him all the time for forever#ive just started reading comics after his death but before his resurrection. the hallucination jason era#and its seems to be shaping up to be with him written as the angry robin who never listened#which i Know is because of the writers. but in universe? it just feels like jason wasnt understood or known at all#doylist vs watsonian moment as they say#dc comics#batman comics#and he became a symbol of failure to batman So Quickly. not a memory but a reminder#and every trophy from his time as robin was taken out of the batcave. and every moment as jason was removed from (at least) bruces room#he was on call/on a list as a backup titan if they needed help but he wasnt With them. they teamed up twice#i cant remember if he meant it towards blood specifically or in general rn but he fully admitted to not being good/experienced enough#they didn't really know him and he didn't really know them#wait fuck was rena all pre-crisis. devastating. he stopped going on patrols n being robin for awhile when she was his gf#of course by then he was already A Hero who cant fully ignore how he can help so he eventually was like yeah we should stop a little#obviously there was that catwoman arc going on and i feel writers just liked keeping him away alot. but ough. he was so quick to stop when#there was someone There. and robin didn't have ti feel like all he had#anyway crisis got rid of her im sure. like harvey. when does 'pre and post crisis' actually start bc its not at the crisis its issues after
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celaenaeiln · 6 days ago
Would love to know your top dick fanfics! any ship any relationships just a big long list of all the dick fics thats you love
You asked, I deliver! Here it is. This is my YEARS worth of saved fics, probably reaching a decade now. I typically don't save fics but these were fics that blew my mind so much that I had to save them so I could read them on repeat:
Camthisky - https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4269959/CamsthiSky
✨Batbros wreck havoc - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12365941/46/Batbros-Wreak-Havoc
✨That torturous thing known as time travel - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11539451/1/That-Torturous-Thing-Known-As-Time-Travel
pupeez4eva - https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2363156/pupeez4eva
(puppez4eva also has an ao3 account which I found out when I left fanfiction.net for ao3 and that might be better for those who aren't also into naruto)
BatFamily moments - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11698022/1/BatFamily-Moments-VOL-1
Snuggle time
What a real brother would know - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7268072/1/What-a-Real-Brother-Would-Know
Rags to better rags - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12457859/1/Rags-To-Better-Rags
✨Cat-astrophic adjustments - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4336565/1/Catastrophic-Adjustments
Bat family mayhem - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8922187/1/Bat-Family-Mayhem
100 rules for robins (past and present) - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10424988/1/100-rules-for-Robins-past-and-current
United, for a while
Batfam volume - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11698022/116/BatFamily-Moments-VOL-1
Beware the nice ones - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10597298/1/Beware-the-Nice-Ones
RobinNightwing drabbles - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11926575/21/RobinNightwing-drabbles
Everybody loves nightwing - https://archiveofourown.org/works/6006628/chapters/13794196
An old and faded wish - https://archiveofourown.org/works/12350700
U be the moon - https://archiveofourown.org/works/18569830/chapters/44018758
A bunch of ridiculousness - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8020829/1/A-Bunch-of-Ridiculousness
Deaged Bruce - https://archiveofourown.org/works/11487030
Danger Do Not Touch - https://archiveofourown.org/works/17478185/chapters/41361302#workskin
Snapshots - https://m.fanfiction.net/s/8392189/1/Snapshots
Well I never - https://archiveofourown.org/works/606644/chapters/1231622#workskin
Bed birds- https://archiveofourown.org/works/7134476
The emotions of dick grayson - https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12377406/1/The-Emotions-of-Dick-Grayson
Best friend Wally https://archiveofourown.org/works/642436/chapters/1622493#workskin 
Reverse Batman - https://m.fanfiction.net/s/11476348/12/
Hurt Bird - https://archiveofourown.org/works/12055692/chapters/34959071#workskin
Greatest of ease - https://archiveofourown.org/works/14356827/chapters/33139035
Roy Dick Wally Road trip - https://archiveofourown.org/works/12110007
✨Wild Child Day - https://archiveofourown.org/works/16142630
Let me see what you can do - https://archiveofourown.org/works/274663
Senses - https://archiveofourown.org/works/2191305
100 - https://archiveofourown.org/works/178329
Ghost - https://archiveofourown.org/works/16553459/chapters/44800156#workskin
Learn something new everyday - https://archiveofourown.org/works/16917948
the life we live - https://archiveofourown.org/works/9823250/chapters/35898534#workskin
Snippets - https://archiveofourown.org/works/7937443/chapters/34070646#workskin
How could he - https://archiveofourown.org/works/20101399/chapters/47615518
Prodigal - https://archiveofourown.org/works/19001299/chapters/45122143
Oh, haven’t you heard - https://archiveofourown.org/works/18368177
A zoo for canines - https://archiveofourown.org/works/20140072/chapters/47713588
I trust no one else - https://archiveofourown.org/works/20643143/chapters/49020776
Talon and Slade - https://archiveofourown.org/works/20405788/chapters/48403030
Magic language - https://archiveofourown.org/works/20216167
Massage revenge - https://archiveofourown.org/works/13401747
Finding- https://archiveofourown.org/works/20203798/chapters/47874247
Harem of Older Men - https://archiveofourown.org/series/1365526
Truth of death - https://archiveofourown.org/works/19998694
Talon family - https://archiveofourown.org/works/15887310?view_adult=true
Incubus - https://archiveofourown.org/series/1382872
What do you mean JT is dead - https://archiveofourown.org/works/1321426
Blue Lips TigerDick - https://archiveofourown.org/works/5053699/chapters/12054683#workskin
Tell him I said hello - https://archiveofourown.org/works/9697898?view_adult=true
Boy hostage - https://archiveofourown.org/works/13600854
Robin Criminal Mastermind - https://archiveofourown.org/works/18942745
Joker and Wing - https://archiveofourown.org/works/20639540/chapters/49011164
Couldn’t whisper when you needed to shout it - https://archiveofourown.org/works/20821637
Bromance - https://archiveofourown.org/works/4452272
Sladin soulmates - https://archiveofourown.org/works/21726103/chapters/51826423
✨Sladin Maldives - https://archiveofourown.org/works/18823036
God Sladick - https://archiveofourown.org/works/16218494
Demon Grayson- https://archiveofourown.org/works/16407932
Barkeep - https://archiveofourown.org/works/4999171
Catfish- https://archiveofourown.org/works/17097887
Stray - https://archiveofourown.org/works/23456077/chapters/56228041?view_adult=true
Lost boy - https://archiveofourown.org/works/6613165
Crisis - https://archiveofourown.org/works/21661624
Families ever changing - https://archiveofourown.org/works/
Contradiction - https://archiveofourown.org/works/24436804
When September ends - https://archiveofourown.org/works/17423009/chapters/41016644
Ready or not - https://archiveofourown.org/works/23947594
The road to ruin - https://archiveofourown.org/works/24227572/chapters/58371814
Pause in the pendulum - https://archiveofourown.org/works/25395340/chapters/61582948
No point in running away - https://archiveofourown.org/works/25529035/chapters/61941064
Road - https://archiveofourown.org/works/24227572/chapters/60365311#workskin
Strength in lack of continuity - https://archiveofourown.org/works/25155724
I can’t hear you, I can’t see you - https://archiveofourown.org/works/24920668
Without using your hands - https://archiveofourown.org/works/24413746
Haven - https://archiveofourown.org/works/4673621
Three in the morning - https://archiveofourown.org/works/19077334
Beyond the night - https://archiveofourown.org/series/1849201
Starry eyed - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12889765/1/Starry-Eyed
Your call may be interrupted - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10942380/1/Your-Call-May-Be-Interrupted
Simplicity - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8581631/3/Simplicity-yeah-right
End days - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10468069/1/End-Days
Shenanigans - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12542326/1/Shenanigans
Nightwing’s confession - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12895421/1/Nightwing-s-Confession
Oh you pretty thing - https://archiveofourown.org/works/4154436
Apprentice au - https://archiveofourown.org/series/2836
Follow Me - https://archiveofourown.org/works/25120675
Mayfriend - https://archiveofourown.org/users/mayfriend/pseuds/mayfriend/works?fandom_id=236208
Part 2
Part 3
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vinelark · 1 year ago
Hi! Just curious, what are your favorite comic runs? I've finished the comics on my current to-read list so I love hearing what other people like!
hello! as always i’m sure i’m forgetting plenty of stuff but these are some of my favs, both completed and ongoing series.
batman: the knight (2022)
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miniseries, 10 issues total, so it’s extremely readable and really satisfying in a short amount of time! i like zdarsky’s bruce a lot (i’ve also enjoyed his work on the current batman run) and carmine di giandomenico’s art is fantastic. also, it’s the ghost-maker origin story and bruce & khoa somehow get divorced at least twice before the story’s over. love that for them.
superman: american alien (2015)
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anthology collection about clark kent through the years, a really great read for superman—digging into clark’s character rather than focusing on external plot!—with some great cameos too (like young adult clark getting mistaken for some rich guy named bruce wayne at a yacht party, or reporter clark running into pre-robin dick grayson).
future state (2021) batman: dark detective
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i am not immune to dan mora’s bruce wayne, especially when he is skrunkly and beat up the whole time.
batman: urban legends (2021)
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an anthology so you can kind of pick up/put down as you like! these are a good read if you don’t want to be tracking huge overarching plotlines for a bit. the first few issues have a great jason series too.
ongoing series aka my current pulls at the comic shop:
spirit world (2023)
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this one is new and is SO fun and compelling; i love xanthe already, and the assorted cast (including constantine and cass!) and new side characters (bowen my beloved, i’d die for you if you weren’t already dead) are delightful. one of those comics where i’m genuinely interested in the plot too and not just reading for my favs. alyssa wong is doing some really cool things with this concept/cast and i hope they have a chance to do way more in this world.
batman/superman world’s finest (2022)
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again, i am not immune to dan mora, or the delightful superbat of it all. (and robin!dick! i love him.) i also started reading waid’s teen titans spin-off that takes place in this same era and there are only a few issues out so far but i’m having a great time.
city boy (2023)
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i am OBSESSED with this concept (sentient cities! sharp-edged/lonely character figuring out his connection to them!) and the writing is super fun so far. also the intro comic (free on kindle/elsewhere; also has a free spirit world issue) has a great nightwing run-in.
i’m also subscribed to nightwing, superboy: the man of tomorrow, action comics (anything with kon crumbs…), and dark knights of steel (listen…i am still holding out hope for more royal court spy!tim crumbs), and i don’t know much about shazam yet but i’m giving the new series a try too.
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phoenixkaptain · 10 months ago
I just want to say that the repeated mentions of Tim being like Bruce - Dick telling Tim that “you’re more like Bruce than I ever was” and even things as small as the other members of Young Justice assuming that Batman is literally Robin’s dad - mean so much to me because like-
Tim is so similar to Bruce. They are both rich kids, only childs, people like them but they never let anyone truly know them. Tim’s deductive ability is so often likened to Bruce’s, and even his combat prowess or leadership skills are more often compared to Bruce’s than Jason’s or Dick’s. Despite being Robin, and the third one at that, Tim really takes being the Batman of the group to an entirely new level with just how much he really is like Batman.
And that’s why they work so well together! Tim and Bruce are so similar, but they’re fundamentally different! Bruce is afraid to get hurt again, afraid to feel connections to other people, afraid of revealing his emotional vulnerability. Tim is afraid of disappointing people, afraid to fail to rise to the standards other people set for him, afraid of revealing that he isn’t as calm as he appears on the outside. Bruce and Tim both begin fighting crime out of love, a love so strong that it would lead either of them to give up their lives for that love, but Bruce does so out of a love for Gotham City and his parents and the legacy they represent to him while Tim does so out of a love for Gotham City and Robin and Batman.
Their partnership is built on their similarities, but it’s improved by their differences. Tim is softer than Bruce. He wants to trust people, he doesn’t enjoy making lists of ways to kill all of his friends. He tries to talk, to draw things out, to banter, while Bruce is more straightforward. Which, honestly, being more subtle than Bruce is a talent in its own right, ngl
Tim is described a lot as the perfect Robin. And, I can’t help but feel like yeah, he is. The writers really made this character perfect for Bruce specifically. Tim is a person who understands what Bruce wants him to do, even if he doesn’t always understand why. Tim cares about Bruce, both Bruce Wayne and Batman, and that care knocks down a lot of Bruce’s walls. Tim wants to fight crime with his friends and enjoy himself, but he also has his main goal which is to protect Bruce, especially from Bruce himself.
And it’s a two-way street. Bruce knows Tim so well. Like, I can’t even begin to describe how well Bruce can read Tim. He can tell that Tim’s care is sincere, and he wants to reciprocate that care. He trusts Tim, on such a deep, foundational level, and he trusts that if Tim lies to him, then Tim has a balid reason for doing so. He’s protective of Tim, even more than Tim is protective of him (for obvious reasons), but he’s also proud of Tim. He’s proud of how Tim can work with people and how Tim can handle his own and how Tim can solve cases.
Bruce and Tim are such a dynamic duo, literally. The understanding they have of each other is amazing. The trust they have in each other. The care. Bruce treats Tim like his son, and Tim honestly treats Bruce like his dad, even while Tim’s birth dad is still alive. These two are great together, they work so well together, they fit each other almost perfectly because Tim was literally made to be perfectly suited for Batman.
And, of course, there is an obsession there. Tim’s obsession with Batman runs deep. He would almost certainly make a great Batman, no matter how you look at it, because he has moments where he reaches that ability to be threatening. Of the times I know that he played Batman, he didn’t do a bad job. He’s intimidating and frightening and he manages to have his cape pulled around himself so he’s just a shape, just like Bruce does, and that’s mostly because he also literally does that same thing as Robin. Tim prefers to be Robin, because he prefers to be partnered with someone else.
(To be completely honest, I think Tim’s first choice of who he would want to be paired with at any given moment is almost certainly Dick. Dude loves that guy. I haven’t seen if Batman Dick and Robin Tim interact in those respective roles, but Tim is almost equally made to be Nightwing’s Robin. Bruce is his second choice though, definitely.)
I have to assume the obsession goes both ways, because the story is a lot more interesting if it does. Bruce is protective of Tim, even as he trusts Tim with the fate of the entire planet. His protectiveness of Tim is funny, actually, because he doesn’t mind Tim fighting gods but he does mind Tim showing the other members of Young Justice his face. (I mean, I get that one of the members is named Impulse, but Bart himself said that Batman gave him that name, so I feel like Bruce bringing it up as a detractor is just a bit hypocritical)
All the times we see Batman with Tim in the Young Justice run, Batman is pretty chill. Like, during the Sins of Youth storyline, when Bruce is Robin and Tim is Batman, Bruce seems totally cool with it. He doesn’t seem worried about Tim messing up. His comments on Tim talking to much read more to me as banter than actual criticisms. Bruce trusts Tim to be Batman, and I find that both sweet and a bit funny for a variety of reasons.
We see Batman get mad when Arrowette says the Justice League doesn’t understand any of the Young Justice members, although even then he just glares at her, he doesn’t say anything. Bruce is like “Yes, I know I don’t understand the majority of human interaction, what of it?” Batman doesn’t say much during that whole comic, actually? Like, he shows up with the rest of the Justice League and he taunts Tim (literally like someone taunting a child pfft) but he doesn’t actually seem to think they won’t pull through? He makes a quip about them being late getting back, but it doesn’t go anywhere, it was him teasing Robin, why was he even here?
(I like to think he kind of hoped Young Justice would disban so he could take Tim back. He obviously wants Tim around, he implies as much in the World Without Grownups arc, and he obviously enjoys Tim’s company, he seems to genuinely enjoy fighting crime with Tim, even when their roles are switched, and he lets Tim talk to Oracle all the time (he definitely could have cut that connection off if he really wanted to make it difficult for Tim during that whole bet thing) Like, Bruce believes that Tim is capable, I think he’s like Wonder Woman and thinks that the others (coughImpulseandSuperboycough) are bad influences. He is taking his boy wonder and leaving to get him good influences, like Nightwi- oh, wait, no, yeah, let’s let him hang out with Impulse and Superboy-)
This turned into a ramble about Young Justice, but I can’t help it!!! I really, REALLY wish that Batman had gone to the parent-teacher conference. Like, Nightwing showing up was wonderful on so many levels, but can you imagine?? Batman?? Dealing with Bonnie King-Jones??? Like, I think if he ever met her he would break the no-killing rule, full-stop, no hesitation. I want to know how the parent-teacher conference would have gone if Batman was there. I think it would have been mostly awkward silence while Batman lurked in the shadows and Red Tornado didn’t understand why everyone was so nervous, like, it’s just talking about what time he should feed their kids, why are you guys sweating-?
I love Tim and Bruce’s relationship. They’re so codependent. I don’t know if Bruce could ever not hold the next Robins up to Tim’s standard. Like, Damian trying to kill Tim makes a lot of sense if you look at it as Damian viewing the situation as “there only needs to be one Robin, and if there is a Tim to be compared to, I will lose.” Dick and Jason were great as Robin, but neither of them were Robin during the period of time in the nineties and early 2000s where Batman got a lot edgier and needed an edgier boy to be Robin. Dick was perfect for the 50s through to at least the 70s, and Jason was probably just fine too (still haven’t read Jason comics hrnng) but Tim fits Bruce perfectly because he was made for the more modern vision of Batman as a character.
Tim is a dweeb and a nerd, just like Dick before him, do not think that he isn’t, but he really works as a balance for Bruce. He was introduced to be that equilibrium, and he fulfills that role.
Tim and Bruce work so well together because they’re just on slightly different sides of a spectrum. They’re so close to being too similar, but they’re dissimilar enough that reading their dynamic is engaging and interesting. Tim really just is the Robin I understand people mistaking for Bruce’s blood kid, y’know? Before Damian, I mean. I feel like the Justice League members met Tim and went “whoa, shit, Batman knocked someone up, holy-“ The Young Justice members continuously genuinelybelieve that Batman is Robin’s dad (which makes it a lot funnier, because if he was Tim’s dad, Tim would essentially be saying: “my dad made me do this and won’t let me do this and to make things worse, my DAD moved us out!” Like, why would he just randomly mention who the subject of the conversation was again at such a pointed time? I understand that Superboy and Bart were not paying attention to him, but it’s just really funny to think that Tim would talk in such a strange way?) I like to think that Dick does not help matters, and instead goes out of his way to worsen them, because Dick is always the one telling Tim that he’s doing great and that he’s so similar to Bruce (he means it as a compliment, like Tim isn’t making the mistakes he thinks he’s making because he, just like Batman, just is unlikely to make mistakes) so I think Dick definitely tells his friends that Robin is Batman’s kid because it’s funny-
And this has gone from rambling about Young Justice to writing fanfiction mid-post, I should really stop while I’m ahead.
All in all, to sum it up, TLDR: Tim was made to be the best Robin specifically for Bruce as Batman. That’s why they work in harmony, but are ultimately entirely different instruments.
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erinwantstowrite · 5 days ago
Erin I’ve been wanting to get into the Batman comics but I don’t know where to start (I already read Batman year one)
gonna admit smth here... my first comic was Tim's Res Robin run 😔 which isn't bad i think but in hindsight i should have looked through others before then because i felt lost at times. but it worked out in the end! i picked my favorite character (tim at the time) and worked my way around bit by bit. there's comic reading lists for your fav characters! maybe don't go through by publishing history but instead a general timeline (i don't think you'll ever get a perfect timeline)
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catacoves · 1 month ago
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two-part two-face reading order because i haven’t seen one that covers his essentials across his whole history
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closeyoureyesdaisuke · 3 months ago
Let’s start it off strong:
Hallucination Jason… or at least they think he is?? Basically, fics where Jason pretends to be a hallucination because a) he’s a wacky little guy or b) ANGST ANGST ANGST AGHHHH
what you’re longing for (you claim to abhor) by Ghxst_Bird (52k, 12 chapters)
“the not-actual-hallucination Jason Todd tries the less hands on approach to getting revenge. It ends up backfiring spectacularly.
aka. the non traditional way to (reluctantly) reintegrate into the family after being dead, coming back to life, and becoming a crime lord, Jason "Red Hood" Todd edition”
Great fic!! Really enjoyed it, lots of suspense and secret identity fun. On the longer side for these types of fic and still very enjoyable
miss me? by envysparkler (6k)
“Jason’s plan to observe his family’s reactions to his resurrection…does not go as intended.”
Pretty much the epitome of this type of fic. Definitely worth the read, Jason is terrible at pretending to not be concerned about his family’s mental health 😭
i’m not crazy, i’m just seeing things by envysparkler (2.9k)
“Dick knows it’s going to be a bad day when he comes home to his little brother standing in his apartment.”
Another one by the same author- this time from Dick’s POV! I really enjoyed the switch as I don’t see it too often.
his worthless savior by destiny919 (2.4k)
“It makes the victims fixate on whoever they most want to save them from the nightmarish hallucinations still caused by this toxin, the GCPD report - corroborated by Batman - had said.”
Jason and Tim!! I mean he’s.. sort of apart of a hallucination? In which: Red Hood vs. The Adoption Instinct
birdsong by ScarlettSwordMoon (22.7k)
After getting a face full of Scarecrow’s newest toxin, Dick isn’t haunted by his typical nightmares. No. This one has little green pixie boots. AKA Batman: Ego but make it Robin.
SCREAMING CRYING THROWING UP. This one isn’t Jason-Centric at all, but oh my god it is so good + features hallucination Robins so I just had to include it. Amazing analysis of the mantle of Robin. One of the best Dick-centric one shots out there, 100%. Go read it right now I promise it’s worth it!!
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batbabydamian · 4 months ago
hello, i love your blog! i was wondering, is robin: son of batman a good place to start reading about damian, for someone who pretty much just know the basics about him? i know the actual beginning would be somewhere in morrison's run, but r:sob really catch my attention :p
short-ish answer:
i read Damian’s comic appearances/runs in a bonkers order when i first started, and i think R:SOB was one of the easier places to jump in!! it’s a fairly isolated adventure that encapsulates a lot of what makes Damian as Robin so charming!!
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Robin: Son of Batman (2015) #1
Gleason’s pitch for this series was basically “Damian on a journey with a bat dragon as his muscle lol :)” and then proceeded to create a story that puts you through a roller coaster of fun!! and emotion!!
long answer:
there’s a bit of history to some of the characters that appear, but it’s summed up quickly so you’re not totally confused!
but here’s a rundown of references beforehand if you’re interested :]
Maya is a new character introduced in this run! her father, Morgan Ducard, was killed by Damian during the arc “Born to Kill” in Batman and Robin (2011) #1-8 another solid entry point into reading Damian!
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Batman and Robin (2011) #8
Talia was killed in the same arc as Damian’s own death in Batman Incorporated (2013) #1-13. after a series of events in which Ra’s steals Talia’s and Damian’s bodies from their graves, Talia is revealed to have revived and now hangs around Nanda Parbat with no memories (Batman and Robin (2011) #29-32, Robin Rises: Omega, Batman and Robin #33-37, Robin Rises: Alpha)
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Robin Rises: Alpha
Damian’s clone brothers were made by Ra’s accelerating Talia’s method of growing super-humans. during the chase for Damian and Talia’s stolen bodies, Bruce and Aquaman encounter the clones right as they’re born in Batman and Robin (2011) #29
Aquaman keeps them in his custody until Damian, freshly revived, claims them as family and takes them to Al Ghul island to live freely :’) Batman and Robin (2011) #38
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Batman and Robin (2011) #38
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damianbugs · 1 year ago
Batman: Universe (2020) written by Bendis and illustrated by Nick Derington was one of the most charming and lovely batman comic i have read in a really long time. it's a silly time travel story!!! and only six issues long!
SPOILERS AHEAD, here are some out of context panels that just really amused me;
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i really enjoyed how casual batman is with the people in gotham. like yeah, bruce regularly spooks residents when he grapples up the side of their building, and stops for a quick chat. the young new cops aren't exactly sure how to handle batman while others are too used to him to care anymore.
then the whole interaction with green arrow (issue 2) was SO fun! i am so fond of them and they're rarely in enjoyable comics together anymore. i particularly loved this little detail:
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at first bruce calls him oliver, but as the situation becomes increasingly more dangerous, he switches to calling him ollie! i am very normal about this.
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THE BATLANTERN MOMENT. this whole part of the story (issue 3 & 4) was just, very sweet. it was a perfect balance of them being prickly to each other, while also sticking close and working really well.
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this part of the story also features cowboy bruce and hal (sort of)!
...and then bruce was really worried about hal when he lost control and vanished from the past (he's fine), so much so that later in the story when he's dying, he mentions that he hopes green lantern is okay (in the present, hal leaves bruce a voice message to say he is okay, and hopes bruce is safe too).
oh right yeah so bruce dies (for like, a page, thank you confusing time travel mechanics) and THIS IS WHAT HE SAYS TO ALFRED:
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I AM SORRY YOU CAN'T HEAR ME.. TELL YOU.. HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU.. I REALLY DO........ bruce wayne when i get you (issue 4).
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AND THEN!!!! DICK ARRIVES (issue 5)!!!!!! i was hoping we'd get to see damian when bruce returned to the present, or that robin would come along on the time travel shenanigans, but this moment happened and i didn't even mind. it was so lovely. the duo of all time always.
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a lot happens after this moment (issue 6), but these little panels really spoke to me. look at him. sitting criss cross apple sauce in the face of absolute doom. the pastel coloured eternal hell was also very funny to me, as was bruce then literally jumping between different periods of time during the final fight — but i have run out of space to share those. you need to go look at them for yourself.
so idk, READ IT !!!!!!
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